Since AOC's day one there has been some talk about how the it doesn't make whole lot a sense for certain classes to be associated with certain ethnic groups.
While it is easy to imagine that Dark Templars should have been made a choice for Stygian and not Cimmerians, but I personally have no beef with the existence of Aquilonian Barbarians. I do despise Cimmerian Rangers.
A Common misconception about Aquilonia is thinking of it as a highly civilized Roman Empire. Aquilonia had it's provinces:
Potain (land of warmth and plenty ), Gunderland (best footmen soldiers in Hyboria) and Bossonia (amazing archers and defenders). Not all of those provinces were up of standards you could get used to living in Old Tarantia.
While it is easy to imagine that Dark Templars should have been made a choice for Stygian and not Cimmerians, but I personally have no beef with the existence of Aquilonian Barbarians. I do despise Cimmerian Rangers.
A Common misconception about Aquilonia is thinking of it as a highly civilized Roman Empire. Aquilonia had it's provinces:
Potain (land of warmth and plenty ), Gunderland (best footmen soldiers in Hyboria) and Bossonia (amazing archers and defenders). Not all of those provinces were up of standards you could get used to living in Old Tarantia.
"That was true; the Bossonian marches, with their fortified villages
filled with determined bowmen, had long served Aquilonia as a buffer
against the outlying barbarians. Now among the settlers beyond Thunder River here was growing up a breed of forest men capable of meeting the barbarians at their own game, but their numbers were still scanty. Most of the frontiersmen were like Balthus--more of the settler than the woodsman type."
REH, Beyond the Black River
I think Bossonians are the closest thing in Aquilonia to "barbarians". Keep in mind that thanks to D&D influence barbarians are through more as a "class" (like assassin/rogue) than what REH intended. It totally makes sense for Bossonians ("breed of forest men")to be regarded as "barbarian class". They are not, however, barbarians per se.
As for a bow: Conan was excellent marksman and used the bow often and to a great effect.
I think Bossonians are the closest thing in Aquilonia to "barbarians". Keep in mind that thanks to D&D influence barbarians are through more as a "class" (like assassin/rogue) than what REH intended. It totally makes sense for Bossonians ("breed of forest men")to be regarded as "barbarian class". They are not, however, barbarians per se.
As for a bow: Conan was excellent marksman and used the bow often and to a great effect.
"Give me a bow," requested Conan. "It's not my idea of a manly weapon,but I learned archery among the Hyrkanians, and it will go hard if Ican't feather a man or so on yonder deck."
Standing on the poop, he watched the serpentlike ship skimming
lightly over the waters, and landsman though he was, it was evident to him that the Argus would never win that race. Already arrows, arching from the pirate's deck, were falling with a hiss into the sea, not twenty paces astern".
REH, Queen Of The Black Coast
It is weird that Conan had to learn the bow from Hyrkanians. If Cimmerians used the bow Conan would have known it. There might be a chance that "archery" is a different art than merely "hunting with bow", but I don't know anything on that subject.
Wikipedia suggests that the usage of bows was not as wide spread as one might think. It is very much likely that the Cimmerians hunted with spears alone.
There is a little hint about that in "the Cimmeria" poem by REH:
It is weird that Conan had to learn the bow from Hyrkanians. If Cimmerians used the bow Conan would have known it. There might be a chance that "archery" is a different art than merely "hunting with bow", but I don't know anything on that subject.
Wikipedia suggests that the usage of bows was not as wide spread as one might think. It is very much likely that the Cimmerians hunted with spears alone.
There is a little hint about that in "the Cimmeria" poem by REH:
"It was so long ago and far away
I have forgot the very name men called me.
The axe and flint-tipped spear are like a dream,
And hunts and wars are shadows."
So next time you meet Cimmerian Ranger that is into RP do ask him where did his character learn archery. It sure as hell wasn't in Cimmeria.