Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Slith's cheesy exploration guide ep. 7

So it's finally here: the trader dome. I am willing to bet that ever since first mmo explorer logged into AOC and laid his eyes on the trader building he immediately considered it the "holy grail", a place to be.

As always whole "zone" from the last 3 episodes of cheesy exploration is unlocked from same spot - once you gain entrance then you can explore freely.

Here is the tip: your exploration road begins under Conan's castle.

and now..
Old Tarantia

The trader
Difficulty: ***
Once you unlock the zone its pretty straightforward. I have lowered the difficulty to 3 stars because the jump on the dome itself is very easy and can be done like 100% of the time.

Some honorable mentions:  

Those are two end routes from Temple of Mitra. Simple jumps, no gimmicks


skajbaj the lame of aquilonia and bitch of all RP said...

Bigg frakkin badass hero is coming again with great staff for reading and coping :-)
+RESP PACK is coming again... ;] check out my quotes collection for being assasin :D

skajbaj the lame of aquilonia and bitch of all RP said...

respect man, I will copie and respond in dies about pvp and pve t10 + khitai t5, not only about sins of fail

skajbaj the lame of aquilonia and bitch of all RP said...

We need a collapse of awesome for us to be again elite of pvp and dps, now we give our feats for free fun with stranger boys of 13-19 range of experience...

Slith said...

what the hell man? This gotta be most fucked up comments on this blog...yet

"fun with stranger boys of 13-19 range of experience..."?

Przepuściłeś te komentarze przez google translatora czy co??? :D