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Ladies can literally lose their heads for Comgall |
The barbarian was not a random pick. I had this idea of playing "what if game" with myself. I remember that back in may of 2008 I was seriously considering rolling one of the two classes: barbarian or conqueror (assassin kind of came out of no were). What would have happened if in 2008 I have stayed with my freshly rolled barbarian? Would I have sticked with the game? Would I have had this blog? Would I have turned more to the PVE side of things? These things I will never learn, but playing a barbarian is a pleasurable experience. So much pleasurable that at one point I felt very awkward: am I enjoying this more than my main? Have I just "wasted" four years playing the wrong class??!! Being the mmo vet that I am I remembered that the "new and shinny" feel of a class quickly wears off. I was not mistaken: around level 15 the barbarian started feeling "just ok". However this brief experience with barbarian made take a long and hard look and this class and it's feats and perks. By Bel, barbarians are unstoppable killing machines. Assassin 2.0!. The CRUSHING advantage that barbarian has over assassin (apart from superior HP, regen, armor and reach) is especially evident in the Alternative Advancement where their perks make assassin's perks look like pile of poo. PILE I SAY! If anything I will feel less bad now whenever I get killed in PVP by barbarian player.
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Halls of the Black Ones. I missed this place first time around in 2008 and I just had to come back here to finish it up |
There is one more thing, a feeling that is still present with me after all those years: the generic feel of a barbarian. I simply cannot get it out my head that every barbarian is basically Conan. Conan undoubtedly had so amazing impact on pop culture (see Conan the Phenomenon) that whenever you think of long haired savage with a two hander you think of Conan. Therefor my Comgall lacks the depth of my Slith character because I have so many preconceived notions about barbarians. It is impossible for me to come up with any background story that would make Comgall "not Conan" even slightly. I know that there are (or atleast used to be) some Cimmerian RP guilds out there and that Cimmerians are very different from THE Cimmerian we know and love. There is a lot of room for a good Cimmerian RP but I just don't have it in me. Speaking of which I am penning down my "Slith's background" post. I want to flesh out a real, believable person rather that another "WTFPWN" heros of official roleplaying boards. Don't you just love "I seek bloody revenge for the death of my parents" stories? Seems like 90% of Hyborians are orphans and at least 5% are in fact vampires/dragons/demons that walk the earth in human form.
Now, if you excuse me, I have a Barachian Isle to save from a tyrant.
Now, if you excuse me, I have a Barachian Isle to save from a tyrant.
imagine that after hitting level 80(without offlines) you can buy crafted gear and kill pvp level 10 only because you have a bit more skill or luck. The game as it used to be before. No months of grind to be competitive...
times when tos needed three buttons to oneshot anyone but guard where competetive like hell.
or maybe you meant conq barb and bs that oneshote ppl just couz they could cut the combo in half and still do the same dmg?
Hell mayb bloody vengence times where competetive?
Some ppl belive in balance like other do in god.
Comon it does not exist
Game is more balanced than before (class wise) but its much more grindy than before too. If you dont enjoy pve or raids you need a LOT of time to be competitive against others in pvp (premades for exmpl). It really doesnt matter which class are you playing after hitting 80. You will always be an easy pray, no matter of skill...
Quiet down please - both of you
Comments are for talking nice things about me, not going into discussions :D
Hey Slith, loved this update. I've been away from aoc reading for awhile, but, as is usual when I visit home and can't play my normal games/any games, I started reading up on where different games are at and said to myself, "what's slith up to?"
You were kind enough to have this post, and combined with my big ol nerdiness, you have me considering hopping back into aoc part time again. Lord knows I am not good at splitting time amongst games, but between "it's conan", reading stuff like yours, and listening to the aoc soundtrack (at least 1x a week at work), aoc always manages to make me consider finding a way to make it work. Thanks for still blogging, still playing, and especially still tweeting. I mention the tweets because while I haven't kept up on aoc much, I do have you and craig on my twitter follow list, so I see most of your tweet discussions. Keep up the good work.
Slith said:
"Comments are for talking nice things about me, not going into discussions :D"
Red Headed Tim answered:
"Thanks for still blogging, still playing, and especially still tweeting. I mention the tweets because while I haven't kept up on aoc much, I do have you and craig on my twitter follow list, so I see most of your tweet discussions. Keep up the good work."
Red Headed Tim= Ass licker!;P
That's me. Woulda posted that kiss ass crap anyways though, since this post spoke to me more than the one talking about the next expansion, mainly cause this post is what made me fire up the forums to look at what's been happening lately. More activity on the EU one's than US. No one there posting anonymously though :) Of course, now we're at 3 posts in a row with emoticons. I'm not sure who wins now.
Thanks for the kind comment. I do hope that you will return to Hyboria. It has it's ups and downs, but I can honestly say it's getting better and better. I might QQ about it from time to time, but really I am here to stay.
Barbarian blog please? :D
Assassin class is "well-documented" thanks to you. I don't even check the official forums anymore. No changelogs, no monthly letters, everyhting I need to know about assassin is here. But unline you, I do have alts and I feel the lack of hideout when it comes to them. So, you know, if you could do a barbarian thing, then a dt thing and a conq thing... :P ok, shutting up now.
Sorry to disapoint you but my barb is lvl19 and I feel absolutly no desire to take him beyond Tortage. I just wanted to re-live the starter zone :D
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