Since the dawn of Hyborian age (aka Age of Conan launch) the game had two things that have really been pushing my buttons (and not in a good way) for last 7 months: respecc costs and having to click billion times to buy enough of stam/health pots.
I am now 17g per respecc and needless to say I have lost FORTUNE to respeccing (let's not get in to why exacly I respecced so many times), BUT I might have been beaten by "some guy" who is whooping 30g per repspecc now. Wow, just wow! Welcome to the world of suck mate :/ Haven, the QA tester confirmed both respecc costs changes and buying pots in stacks feature. Whats not to like?
I wouldnt get your hopes up. Hopfully we might see it in Patch 1.05
well ofcourse :) 4 months from now ;p;
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