you wanted to explain to someone what the exploration is all about in
Age of Conan THIS is the place to show. I have decided to open my own "Cheesy Tours" agency and I have taken two tourists on a wild trip to the hidden city outside the Old Taratnia. We had Morgothday (Demo) and Vehl the Conqueror. It turned out to be vital that Vehl was present because we were constantly abusing his resurrection ability whenever Morgoth had slight issues with making the jump. Yes, you can resurrect someone up the building or even cliff :D.
first part was easy: it was same route that I used in ep.4. Then we
have managed to get on the other side of the buildings and finally
reached the end of the wall. Here is the tricky part: you have to be
absurdly precise to land in just the right spot. If you can make the
jump you will survive with 600 HP left, if you miss the stone you are supposed to land on - you get splattered. Needless to say both of my companions were shortly no more than two mangled corpses. Then I have came up with devious idea: I ran to the guild city, bought death charms (1g per pop), climbed back up, made another (luckly) successful jump and resurrected the Conqueror with the charm. Once the Vehl was up Morgothday
soon followed. I gotta say that getting to this spot back in 2009 was
absurdly easy because all you had to do is jump into the river near the
docks in OT, swim up and you could freely explore. Since then Funcom patched up that place TIGHT so I am very humbled that I could see whole map again and even show it to others.
short ride we have reached the hidden city (old, unused content from
2008). Sadly we got foolishly stuck in geometry soon after so the rest
of the screenshots are from my personal collection.
The Hidden City
Difficulty: ****
Very hard to perform due to the jump at the end. A lot of opportunities for mistakes. Great journey to take with your mates.
I hope FC will do something with these places. I remember a labyrinth in Thunder River, (My last visit was 2, maybe 3 years ago) I was so sure that there is something awesome, waiting for me on the other side but, nope. There are many places like these, enough for another adventure pack imo.
Where did you get your vanity armor btw? You are kinda the coolest looking sin I saw in the game and I can't find them in cash shop.
Sreen (Fury) 59-3
hey mate,
glad you like the armor. It is actualy my vanity armor put together from different pices:
hood - quest reward from Keshatta instance (Caravan raiders or something?) you can also get this hood from crafter
cape - cape of endless thrist, social reward armor, it was offered during december for free
the rest of the armor - pvp lvl8 assassin minigame set
This was really a journey to go there!!! it was really fun and got a group to go there :D Thnx for the info. I remember back in the old days i have seen an area in stygia (cant remember area) with a pyramid have you seen/been there?
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