Today we and Nukpana did some Tarantia Commons pvp and a little of minis. We have decided that we coul visit old Kesh to see how things are. Please note that we went there at random time, there was no even going - this is accualy how people play this game. Most of them never set foot in Tarantia Commons - they went to Kesh in 1.3 and been there ever since. Every sandy inch of Keshatta is filled with two zerg groups. No questers, no small ganking squads, no lost noobies. Oasis and city filled with zergs with deserted road patroled with everwatching guards. The game seems 80lvl drained because it seems like a A LOT people rolled their free 50lvl and slowily doing the grind while waiting for new patch.

I havent been in Khesh for like 3 weeks or so, and looking at those pictures makes me remember why.
The third picture pretty much sums it all up - mega zerg, casters weaving at respad. Its just total ass..
same here, havent been there since few weeks before 1.5
the pictures doesn't really show how totaly ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs that place is.
I have found that Commons provides smaller and bit more even fights. Also the area in Commons is really nice refreshing so I will try to stay away from Kesh long as possible.
Hows the ress pads in Kesh now? One at Oasis, one at City... where the hell are rest two?
Mighty Galadh, how I am humbled by your visit in the hideout :)
Seems like non-zerg pvpers strick to commons now, hope it stays that way.
Aye, I read this time to time. Pretty good stuff even I don't much know about Sins. :)
Now I try new exploration in the commons..but often savage little groups of enemies (SCUM, Grey Clover) ruin my cultural voyage
I haven't been in Kheshatta for a long time, and I won't go there to pvp.
I asked from empire and huns why they are still in khesh and tehy said that Commons is a too big maze for them...
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