...because when I do I am brining ass whooping with me.
It seems like Funcom have decided to skip revamping assassins and the staff is preparing for 1.5 launch within ...shall we say 2 weeks?
Time to get down to the 1.5 assassins changes:
- aod particle effect (visual)
- vampyric nature combo effect (visual)
- unholy armor nerf
- avatar of death nerf
- Unholy Strength nerf
- Grim Corruption nerf (shared cooldown)
- FTD goes on cooldown if CCed while it was used
- kidney shots nerf (up for debate)
- classic hybrid build nerfed
- heals do not scale with new and bigger HP pools
- lotus overdose buff
- grim corruption new debuffs
- lunge buff (thats up for debate)
- burden to bear fix
Bugs (introduced in 1.5)
- offhands are not working as intended,
- Male/female attack speeds are different,
credit for the list goes to all contributing posters in "Why there are no assassin changes" thread which, despite the fact is 6 pages long with 2k view, have been ignored by FC.
Basicly non of our issues compiled in big ass Assassin Issues and Concerns List & Assassin Suggestions and Wishes have been adressed.
To top if off Silirrion twittered this: "Lots and lots of text to sign off today, but that's always a good thing as it means we are getting closer to release of the update!"
Meanwhile Test live forums are jam packed with Devs anwsering all sort of questions and deliberately skipping whole assassin board (so fucks and shits in the threads are not even moderated, try that in general board and the hammer will fall on ye)
My theory is that 1.5 goes live without touching the unwashed, unwanted child that assassin have always been.
Hope you enjoyed this post, its been a while (still very active on twitter so be sure to check that out)
Come down Moses and we will follow you!
Fc removed DoT from raid daggers,
it was 40 secs of 30-70 damage.
to fix all sins problems we will need one update only for us...
A nice rogue-revamp in general would be very VERY welcome.
I have had enough of 1.5 bullpoo. Thou shall not fuck it up FC, else I will lay my vengence upon thee.
Maybe they forgot assassin even exists as a playable class.
This is ridiculous, even a post from devs saying "LoL, noobs, roll a demo/necro" would be good in this situation. Now I'm feeling that they're pretending not to see us at all. We're still part of this game I think ;/
Yeah, ive got about the same comment on #ageofconan irc when i was there dicussing assassin stuff. "roll a demo" Stealth classes have always been broken lol, and they aren't gonna get fixed anytime soon.
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